
Vefsíðan sýnir niðurstöður spálíkans fyrir dreifingu gjósku og gass sem myndast í eldgosi. Þegar raunveruleg gos eru ekki í gangi eru ímynduð gos hermd. Frekari upplýsingar um líkön, upphafsforsendur og veðurfræðigögn eru aðgengileg í notendahandbók (undir Hjálparflipanum).

This website shows the results of dispersal forecast simulations of tephra and gas emitted during a volcanic eruption. During not eruptive periods, hypothetical eruptions are modelled for selected volcanoes. Further information on the numerical models, input conditions and meteorological data are available in the User’s Guide document (under the Help/Hjálp tab)
SoftwareLabelEruption Starting TimeDuration [h]
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